1. Simple Linear Regression (SLR)'s Equation and Assumptions

[1] What’s Regression Models?
It describes a *statistical relationship between X and Y, where X is called an explanatory, independent or predictor variable, and Y is called a responsible or dependent variable.

 *Wait!! What’s the statistical relationship?
- In Mathematics, y=f(x) is called a functional relationship, which the f(x) is some EXACT function. Therefore, you can draw a graph. You don't need to predict the Y values as long as we can figure out the equation of the function.
- In Statistics, however, there exists an error term (ε) such as measurement errors which we don't know these values. Therefore, the statistical relationship would be explained by y=f(x) + ε. 

[2] Simple Linear Regression (SLR) Equation
Here, ‘simple’ means there is one predictor only!  

In an observational data sets, suppose we want to predict Y values based on the X, explanatory variables, then we need to build up a statistical relationship equation by using these variables. In equation, there should be a slope, intercept, also an error term, as this is a statically relationship equation. 
Therefore, the equation is $Y_{i}= \beta_{0}+\beta_{1}X_{i}+ \varepsilon _{i}$

In this equation, we know Y and X values from a data sets, but we don’t know what the β0(intercept), β1(slope) and εi’s are. We can figure out the intercept and slope based on the analysis as they are constants. However, Y and ε are random values which means if we know its mean and variance, we will also know its distribution!!
Let's find out the error term's distribution first!
[3] The SLR Assumptions: The Error terms’ Mean and Variance.
There are three SLR assumptions regarding the error term.
(1) E[εi] = 0,
(2) Var[εi] = σ2
(3) Cov[εi ,εj’s] = 0  The error terms are uncorrelated. 
Therefore, the error terms’ distribution will be ε~ N(0, σ2)

The Y is also random value as the error term is a random. Therefore, we can find Y's mean and variance as well.  

[4] The Y’s Mean and Variance 
(1) E[Yi]= β0+ β1Xi
Proof: E[Y] = E[β0+ β1Xi + εi] = E[β0] + E[β1Xi ] + E[εi] = β0 + β1Xi
         By assumption above E[εi]=0, and β0, β1 and Xi are constants.

(2) Var[Yi]= σ2
Proof: Var[Y] = Var[β0+ β1Xi + εi] = Var[εi] = σ2
        By assumption above Var[εi] = σ2, and β0+β1Xi is constants.

(3) Cov[Yi, Yj]= 0
Proof: Cov[β0+ β1Xi + εi, β0+ β1Xj + εj]= Cov [β0, β0] + Cov[β0, β1Xj] +…
         (expanding each term)..+ Cov[εi , εj]=0 As Cov [constant, random] = 0,
         Only Cov[εi, εj] is left, and its value is 0 by assumption.

Remark!! A statistical relationship between X and Y does NOT necessarily mean that X causes Y, as these X and Y are an observational data. 


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